Marketing Agency Website Design and Branding Project

Marketing Staircase

Marketing Agency Web Design and Branding

Project Summary

Marketing Staircase, a Seattle-based boutique social media marketing agency, offers social media management, social advertising, Google ads, and other digital marketing services to small businesses. Agency owner, Christina Kettman, was frustrated with her current website. It was very difficult to update her website and add new content. She also wanted new branding and an updated website design.

This project included creating a new color scheme for her branding, updating her logo with the new colors, creating a new website, and designing matching graphics for social media.



  • Logo & Website Favicon
  • Website Style Guide
  • Stock Photos
  • Website Graphics
  • Mobile-Responsive WordPress Website with 20 Web Pages and a Blog
  • Social Media Graphics


  • Divi Page Builder
  • On-Page SEO
  • Newsletter Opt-Ins

“Kelly was great at asking me the right questions to help me get to a website plan and design that reflected my business and my personality. I also loved how organized she is and that she literally thought of every little detail so that I didn’t have to worry. I’m so thankful that I was able to just hand the project over to Kelly and answer questions. She did all the heavy lifting!!!”

Christina Kettman

Owner, Marketing Staircase

Original Website:

Marketing Staircase Website - Before Redesign

New Website:

Marketing Agency Website Redesign

Logo Design + Branding

The original Marketing Staircase branding was dark and formal. Christina wanted the business brand to be more casual and upbeat. The new branding I created for Marketing Staircase includes:

  • a new color scheme that is more fun and vibrant – just like Christina’s personality!
  • an updated logo that uses colors from the new color palette
  • new website fonts that are more modern and casual
  • coordinating graphics to use on the new website
Marketing Agency Brand Board

Original Logo:

New Logo:

Marketing Agency Logo Redesigned

Website Design

After the branding and logo redesign, we moved on to her website redesign.

First we did a thorough audit of her current website content and worked together to reorganize her content and pages, keeping both the user experience and SEO in mind.

Christina’s previous WordPress theme made it difficult for her to update her website. And it had issues with mobile responsiveness. So I replaced her old theme with the Divi theme, which allows her to easily update her website content and add new web pages as needed. This also fixed the issues she was having with her website on mobile devices.

Christina also wanted to move away from using Lead Pages for her landing pages. Again, the Divi theme came to the rescue! I replaced her Lead Pages with new landing pages I created on her website. And I created a new landing page template she can use to easily create new landing pages on her website in the future. 

When it came time to work on the design, I wanted the design elements and the page layouts to have the same casual and fun feeling as her new branding. And I replaced her outdated website illustrations with new, fun icons and graphics. I also selected photos that matched her new branding.

Marketing Agency Web Design
Marketing Agency Web Design - About Page
Marketing Agency Web Design - Services Page
Marketing Agency Web Design - Contact Page
Marketing Agency Web Design - Book Page
Marketing Agency Web Design - Service Page

Newsletter Opt-In Popup:

Marketing Agency Newsletter Opt-in Popup

Social Media Graphic Design

I created social media cover images for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so the Marketing Staircase social platforms match the new branding and website.

Marketing Agency Twitter Cover

Notes from Kelly:

This was one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on. The change from the previous dark branding and outdated website design – to the bright color palette and fun graphics and photos, was so rewarding to see.

Plus, Christina was super easy-going and gave me a lot of creative freedom – which is always fun! And she’s just an all-around great person who I’m thankful is not just a past client, but also a friend. 🥰

    What my Client Says:

    “I’d been stressed about the process of revising my website for a while and I’m amazed and how easy and quick the process was when I worked with Kelly. She has set up a system that is organized and saves time for her clients and it allowed me to know that every detail had been thought through and taken care of. Her calm, flexible style made it easy to brainstorm ideas together and I knew that if I gave her my vision, she would put it into a concrete form that I’d love (which she did!). I’m so happy with the work Kelly did that I plan to recommend her to all my clients.”

    Christina Kettman

    Owner, Marketing Staircase

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