Author Website Design and Branding Project

Nancy Swisher

Author and Coach Web Design and Branding Project

Project Summary

Nancy Swisher is a Transformational Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Artist. When she first contacted me about a website redesign, she was two months away from the launch of her new book, The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own: A Memoir.

This project included designing a new logo and branding, creating a new website, and designing graphics for her social media accounts.



  • Logo
  • Website Favicon
  • Website Style Guide
  • Stock Photos
  • Website Graphics
  • Mobile-Responsive WordPress Website with 10 Pages and a Blog
  • Social Media Graphics


  • Divi Page Builder
  • On-Page SEO
  • Web Hosting
  • Website Maintenance


✨ After her new website launched, Nancy saw a 31% increase in program sales and an 11% increase in opt-ins! ✨

Original Website:

Nancy Swisher Website Before Redesign

New Website:

Author and Coach Website Redesign

Logo Design + Branding

We started this project out with designing a new logo and branding. Nancy wasn’t sure of the colors she wanted; but she knew she wanted her branding to look more elegant and professional. Here is the final logo design and branding I created:

Author and Coach Branding

Website Redesign

When I first start working with a client, we have a conversation about the goals for the website. I don’t want a website to just look good… I also want it to help my clients with their business. Here are the goals we discussed for the new website.


  • An updated, professional design that is responsive on mobile devices
  • Focus on her new book
  • Provide more clarity on her programs
  • Include multiple calls to action and opt-in offers
  • Create social media graphics (that match her new branding) to promote her new book


Nancy knews she wanted an updated, professional web design; but she didn’t have specific ideas in mind… so I was starting with a blank slate. As a designer – this is so much fun! Here’s a look at the mood board of the new website:

Author and Coach Branding Mood Board


I started the design process by recommending some designs and layouts that I thought would work well with both her personality and the goals she had for her website. I also made sure the design was responsive – so it looks great on all devices. Nancy has great taste, so of course she picked the design/layout that was also my top pick. 😉

Before I show you the full website, let’s revisit those goals so you can see how the final website all comes together.

Goal: Focus on her New Book

I designed a section on her home page that features her new book. It includes a quote from the book plus a button to purchase the book online.

Website goal: feature new book for author Nancy Swisher

We also have multiple references to her book throughout her website, including on her About page, on her Programs page and in the sidebar of her blog:

Website goal: feature new book for author Nancy Swisher

Goal: More Clarity on her Programs

I reorganized the content on her website and Nancy rewrote her copy – in order to be very clear about who she works with and how she helps them with her various programs. I added a “Work with Me” area on her home page that highlights her programs.

Website goal: feature programs

I also created a new “Work With Me” web page and added that link to her top menu bar. And I created new web pages for each of her programs, so potential clients can choose to read more details about the program they are interested in.

Goal: Calls to Action and Opt-in Offers

Since Nancy has multiple opt-in offers, plus she has workshops and programs that people can sign up for — we needed multiple CTAs (calls to action) throughout her website. Each of the main pages of her website has at least one CTA section, guiding her website visitors to take the next step in their journey with Nancy! Here are some examples of the CTAs and Opt-in Offers I designed on her website:

Website opt-in offer: Nancy Swisher
Website opt-in offer: Nancy Swisher
Website opt-in offer: Nancy Swisher
Website opt-in offer: Nancy Swisher

Because these offers were repeated in several places throughout her website, I created them as sections of her website that she can easily add to other web pages with a click of a button and she can easily edit the section in one place and it takes effect throughout her website wherever it is used. So if she wants to change the text, an image or even the offer itself, she does it in one spot. Easy peasy!

Here’s a look at how the final website turned out:

Author and Coach Web Design

Social Media Graphics

In addition to designing her website, I also designed several graphics for Nancy’s Facebook Page and Facebook Group:

Facebook Page Cover Image: Nancy Swisher
Facebook Group Cover Image: Nancy Swisher

I also designed some images for her to use as Facebook Posts:

Facebook Post Image: Nancy Swisher
Facebook Post Image: Nancy Swisher

Notes from Kelly:

This was easily one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on. Nancy was a dream client and a breath of fresh air to work with. I really enjoyed working with her on her new website as well as creating the additional graphics she needed. She was organized, prompt with responding, and a truly positive and uplifting person. If you haven’t checked out her new website yet, make sure you visit Nancy’s website and get inspired by her writing.

What my Client Says:

“I’ve worked with three other web persons in the last eight years before working with Kelly. All I can say is she shattered all of my preconceived notions of how hard it can be for a right-brained coach like me to co-create with a tech/designer person. Kelly is amazing in that she is so smart, so present and actually cares all at once! Did I mention how fast she is? So if you want a very positive, productive and fulfilling experience with a web designer, she’s the one.

Nancy Swisher

Author, Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Artist

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